Happiness ! Happiness! Happiness!

After Starting the blog on February with  one fitness post i could not able to cope up with the same motivation due to some hectic work schedule and other activities. I hope this time I will try to write two post per week

One fine day came across one course in www.coursera.org , on Happiness.

That too conducted by a Tamil guy who went to BITS Pilani, IIM (A) , and further on doctorate from USA.

I completed  first week videos and couple of questionnaires .

Based on set of responses from participants  happiness score was given . I got 26/35 and Current state of mine comes as happy.

If you are interested do visit the course in the below website


Coming back to the Actual Post. He conveyed five pointers about being happy

1. Sensory pleasure   (Not long lasting happiness)

2. Feeling Superior  (Not a good way to be happy, as we all know there are smart people than us always)

3. Authentic Pride  (Competing with self and getting better day by day)

4. Love / Relationships (with family / Friends)

5.  Abundance . (Accepting Life with set of imperfections and being happy with what we have)

Prof. gave an exercise at the end of the week1 to write down the definition of Happiness and ways to attain it.

We sometimes may not realize the value if we dont quantify things

I wrote something like this. Do write down your own


Becoming better in your regular day to day activities by crossing small small milestones makes me happy..

Some ways i follow to stay happy:

1. To do list completion makes me happy (Not frequently happening)

2. Spending quality time with family and taking care of Parent s health

3. going for a morning walk with father

4. Running , cycling , yoga , badminton makes me happy
Being Active, Being Healthy, being sick free injury free makes me happy

5.Reading makes me happy

6. Watching movie makes me happy (but now days not doi that)

7. Helping other s makes me happy

8. Saving makes me happy.Spending less makes me happy

9. Having good food makes me happy

10. Attending Workshop on finance , enhancing knowledge  and implementing what I learnt makes me happy

11. Having a good sleep makes me happy

12. Buying new clothes for entire family makes me happy

There is a nothing newly said in the course. But sometimes in life we need someone like this to tell us the basic tenets .

There are lot more things to learn from this course.

Will write a review soon after improving my happiness level!

Stay happy, bye

Happy smarts - Wesbite of Prof. Raj


  1. Good One..!! Ironical is, Now a days, we are searching that happiness. Anyway, be happy, stay happy.. _/\_


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