
Showing posts from 2020

Paul Graham Interview Link

 This is an extract from the Brain food (Shane s weekly Newsletter. Below link is an interesting link In this one question which i am quite impressed (It is the idea of hobby getting converged with yur work of course reaching that financial state too)

Senior Citizen: How to invest during Covid19 times !!!

  In India We have a lot of people running around with Conflict of interest [They recommend you some product and they earn commission out of it ] . After all everyone has to earn bread and butter but problems come when they push us a high commissioned product and keep their interest before us.  I tell you to avoid Relationship Managers (Especially bank). I have the same problem mentioned by you for post office guys. Highly unorganised and you need to again and again ask them for interest certificate ,  renewal. it s a pain in the digital world they have not evolved . Things have become so easy now a days in bank and mf front .  We can go in this order or priority before you make any investment. Please give all nominations properly for all investments 1. Emergency (1 Year of Expenses in Easily accessible Fixed deposit) - Estimate Honestly how much Monthly Expenses and extrapolate it . See if your employer offers health insurance else incr...

How can I make the most of this?

I read every week on thursday   James clear 3-2-1 Newsletter  whatever happens in life . It consists of all short and sweet 2- liners with in depth meaning . Writing regularly has been in my wishlist for sometime .  In his newsletter he always gives one question to ponder over . I used to think on that question for sometime every week  but never write down anything. This time thought could list down (Because of COVID19 all fast routine activities have come to a standstill) Question to Ponder : How can I make the most of this? This here refers to me - >  I rephrase this question for me how can i make use of the WFH (Because of world wide spread covid19 ) General core theme of life does not change (Being fit is still an important priority among all ) Generally we humans move a lot to accomplish our day to day tasks . With this curfew kind of situation need to tweak our schedules(Walking and schedules have got impacted)....