How can I make the most of this?
I read every week on thursday James clear 3-2-1 Newsletter whatever happens in life .
It consists of all short and sweet 2- liners with in depth meaning . Writing regularly has been in my wishlist for sometime .
In his newsletter he always gives one question to ponder over . I used to think on that question for sometime every week but never write down anything. This time thought could list down (Because of COVID19 all fast routine activities have come to a standstill)
Question to Ponder : How can I make the most of this?
This here refers to me - > I rephrase this question for me how can i make use of the WFH (Because of world wide spread covid19 )
General core theme of life does not change (Being fit is still an important priority among all ) Generally we humans move a lot to accomplish our day to day tasks . With this curfew kind of situation need to tweak our schedules(Walking and schedules have got impacted). But WFH poses a challenge of demarcating family time and office working time. Inner sense alerted to make some change in the way i handle this WFH and time management . Always writing down gives a better clarity to ourselves than thinking merely for hours on anything. First week of work from home ended up with few challenges could not accomplish all what i thought of . So kicked up with the feedback post to correct what went wrong (as this WFH seems to be the new normal). I am happy i dont need to commute daily for one and half hours. Realised need to make some changes according to the new normal .
- Fixing my Sleep routine ( I try to sleep now a days by 10 so that it happens by 11 atleast and wake up by 6 - 6.15 am ) . Before Sleep do a 2-3 min of meditation
- Start off the day with Physical activity & Meditation : Waking up early and making use of the morning time (Silent time) Can go for a walk if outside things are good else can do some kind of stretching Exercises or yoga or Meditation , Being fit at these times seems to be very challenging ( Already feeling guilty for binge eating without doing much exercise) so planning to dedicate an hour of Physical activity (daily) irrespective of turbulence
- Spending Quality time with Family and sharing the Household chores
- Post Lunch can go for walk and relax a bit
- Drink Plenty of Water - Planning to drink 4 (750 ml) (Last day in office while carrying back the laptop took back my water bottle also )
- Focussed :Strictly connect from 9.30-6.45 and complete all office task planned (Focus , Plan accordingly how much can be completed in that day and make a realistic plan esle office work is getting carry forward to home time)
- Self-Improvement Reading an hour [8-9PM ](Book or career Improvement or Blog post reading ). These all are items which could not fit in during the regular office schedule
- Wind down Post 9: Last one hour is to wind down ( Journaling could be a good way what course correction can be done) and chit chat with wife, sister, mom or corona news and sleep by 10.10-10.15. Long distance chess games can also be fit inside this one hour . Assessing the financial goals and implementing investments for the coming financial year as a couple .
Things to avoid :
- Excessive corona news & social media
- Too much of Mobile Usage . Currently mobile usage is close to 2 hours in a day , trying to Replace it with kindle or book
- Excessive news reading about market crash
This is how i would like to make most of this current situation. Hopefully we humans emerge strong from this COVID19 by practising social distancing and instead of feeling dejected with this lockdown lets take this time to slow down and re-prioritize the goals as per the current circumstances and Still move forward.
We end this post with a quote
"In a world where information is abundant and easy to access, the real advantage is knowing where to focus."- James clear 3-2-1 Newsletter
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